Monday, August 29, 2016

Welcome to My New Life...

Hi. Let me introduce myself. I'm Stacy. Mom of twins, high school teacher, reader, knitter, friend, daughter, wife, blogger (Want to see my other blog that I write with my BFF? Of course you do! Just click here...). The list goes on and on. But, there's one other thing I want to address...I'm a New Jersey native, Florida transplant. What a strange turn of events that was...

But, it happened.

I moved from New Jersey (living in the town where I was born & raised) to Florida just a few short weeks ago. I never planned to leave New Jersey, and, in fact, I had lived in the Northeast my entire life. I had a good life there; my family was nearby, I had lots of good friends, and a good job. But, if there's one thing I've learned throughout my years on this earth, it's that you never know where life is going to take you, and you most certainly are never going to end up where you thought you would.

Which takes me to I am--a resident Floridian.

I've always loved Florida. My grandparents lived here (ironically in the town I am living in) and I absolutely loved visiting them. I was envious of my cousin who grew up here--he could be outside year round, he got his license a full year before me, even though he's younger, and it just seemed like a really cool life. When I would visit my grandparents in my twenties, I always thought that I could live here someday. But, it was more of an abstract thing, and I never thought that I'd actually do it.

Until I did.

As I said earlier, you never know where life is going to take you. Flashback to 2015. My husband and I were living in a beautiful home. It was supposed to be our forever home. It was where we were raising our kids, and where we had done many improvements to make our home just that, ours--and there were many more projects in the works. And then...things changed. Our neighborhood changed. Due to that, we sold the house. When we were putting the house on the market, we had to decide where we were going to go. We didn't want to stay in the town we were in, so my husband suggested Florida. I looked at him like he had seven heads, and then I cried. I literally cried. (For the record, I am not a cryer.) I'm one of those people who reacts first, then thinks things out. When I calmed down and started thinking, I realized that it might actually be a good idea. I finally said to my husband, "We only live once. Let's do it."

So we did.

Fast forward a year and here we are. Living in Florida. Living a life I never expected to have. New job, new friends, and my family is far away.'s an amazing life. I am the happiest I've been in a long time. (Maybe it's all the sunshine...I do say that I'm solar powered, after all!) So, here's to big changes, shaking things up, and seeing where life will take you.

So, to (finally) get to my point...I am starting this blog as a way to share my thoughts and my world. Because if one thing is true about Jersey girls, it's that we don't hold our tongues.

Until my next post...

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